Let’s work together to craft your recipe for success.
I love to talk about marketing, food, and small business! We’ll start with a free consultation call to discuss your current marketing challenges and your goals. After our initial conversation, I’ll craft a proposal that addresses your unique project needs. Your proposal might include one category of our core services listed below, or it might need a mix of components across multiple categories.
Our services are most often project based, but depending on your needs can also be on retainer or hourly. We’ll start with a discovery call to identify your goals and which approach is the best fit to achieve your goals.
We’ll craft the right blend of marketing activities to address your project goals. Contact me to start the conversation.
Looking to tackle a topic and get actionable items to implement immediately? Book a Marketing Power Hour with us! In this 1:1 strategic session we’ll discuss a marketing topic of your choice. You’ll get a report summarizing the discussions along with an action plan for moving forward either on your own or with our help.
Marketing Strategy
You know your product or service, but do you know who your target customers are and where to reach them? We’ll work together to understand your brand and set you up for success. We can help you figure out your unique selling proposition, identify your target audience, and design a strategy to grow your business.
Brand identity and audit
Defining target market and customers
Engagement strategy
Lead generation
Awareness building
Communications Strategy
How do you communicate with your current and potential customers? It’s not as simple as just sending an email. You need a strategy to engage with those loyal customers, one-time buyers, and window shoppers. We help you craft your communication strategy to meet your goals.
Email marketing strategy
Newsletter content and design
Content creation for your blog
Event Marketing
You’re passionate about your business, let us help you get in front of your potential customers! Event marketing is a great way to share your expertise and connect you with your audience.
Identify events for participation, manage marketing and participation
Develop event strategy for events hosted by you - webinars, virtual or in-person workshops
Maximizing your trade-show, expo, and event experience
Schedule an intro call and let’s talk about how we can work together to build your brand’s success.